Politics strikes back (appended)

In "Politics strikes back" I reported the feeling of a political renaissance among entrepreneurs. Two weeks later, I stumbled on this passage from an old essay by Albert Hirschman

Hirschman's words put my feelings into a framework. Consciously or not, there is today a broader understanding of the limits of economic and entrepreneurial activity as an agent of change. Their "marginal productivity" has reached a peak and further, meaningful, change will require getting our hands dirty with politics.

Now, what "politics" actually means remains an open question. Tobia De Angelis challenged me recently to broaden my own definition of politics. People are indeed doing politics to a much larger degree that we are normally ready to recognise. It just doesn't show itself in a traditional, party-led, way. 

I see that, and I have promised myself to pay more attention to politics by other means. I remain afraid that this might not be sufficient until the grip of conventional politics is totally severed (will it ever be?). In the meantime, I am happy my sentiment has found its explanation (more on that soon).